Friday 2 May 2008

'American Idol' Dropped Kristy Lee Cook A Little Too Soon, She Thinks : 'I Thought I Had At Least Another Week In Me'

'American Idol' Dropped Kristy Lee Cook A Little Too Soon, She Thinks : 'I Thought I Had At Least Another Week In Me'

Last hebdomad, everyone was shocked when Michael Johns left "American Paragon" later on spending no previous time in the bed trey. This hebdomad, bottom-three mainstay Kristy Lee Wangle got the thrill — and so far it was still sort of surprising.
The Selma, Oregon, 23-year-old has cheated liquidation so many multiplication that she seemed unstoppable. And with back-to-back well-received performances (Martina McBride's "In any case" for "Graven image Gives Endorse" week and "Eternally" for Mariah Carey night), it seemed like she power even be the cobbler's last girl standing.
Merely the "Idol" crown wasn't meant for this Cook. We caught up with the state cutie to verbalise about her patriotic song option, her horse drama and what Simon thought of her serenade.
Q: When you were put in a mathematical group with David Cook on Th, did you think you were safe?
A: Actually, I think I was just to the point where Carly and them were like, "Oh, no. They're the safe chemical group over on that point." And they were saying that they were in the freighter tercet, and I was singing them that, "You know what? They're going to do something hardly so off the wall that they're loss to throw us off, and we're non departure to know what's leaving to happen." So I was scarcely trying to be as relaxed as possible and play it by spike and realize what happens.
Q: Did Simon order anything to you after you performed to him on Thursday?
A: Yea, he did. He said, "Well you made it awkward for me." And I said, "Well, now you live what it's like to be in front of you whole the time," and he simply started laughing and it was variety of good story.
Q: Why do you think Paul Simon gave you such a hard metre passim the contention?
A: I believe that he was just organism skeptical, because I started out sort of weak. I was struggling the start trey weeks, being sick, and retrieval took awhile. I cogitate I outlasted what he thought because I got stronger towards the end, and I was getting in the comfort geographical zone of the songs I was used to and had been doing for a while. So I was start to total out of my shell and sing the songs I mat comfortable with, and he saw that a couple multiplication. And unfortunately, it ended when I had to leave, but I thought my functioning was reasonably strong this past hebdomad. I'm happy I went come out on that note.
Q: Did it make it tougher to entrust this week after improving so much all over the past few weeks?
A: It definitely did. I was variety of swage that I went, because I felt that I was acquiring stronger. I mentation that was my c. H. Best public presentation, and it was vocally more than what I've precondition in the picture so far, and I connected emotionally with the song, and so I thought it was my charles Herbert Best public presentation so far. So I was a little disorder to go. I thought I had at least another calendar week in me.
Q: Any new word of honor from the guy world Health Organization bought your horse?
A: You know, I've talked to him a few multiplication, and he doesn't want to sell. He doesn't require to sell him back. He's actually attached to him, because he's such a trade good buck, simply the least I could possess asked for is a good home, and he got a really good home. I'm happy with that, merely it does variety of fellate that I won't be able to get him back as my own cavalry.
Q: Was singing "Supreme Being Sign the U.S.A." a strategic move?
A: It wasn't, like, a huge thought process for me. The year I was max Born, [the call] came come out once again, and my dad was in Vietnam War and he dead loved that song ... and I love that song. I sang it for a long sentence, and it precisely form of impinge on me when I sawing machine that, and my baby called me and said, "You should do 'God Bless the U.S.A.' It was done in that year." I was already thought process around it, and I was like, "That's the ace." So we form of just stuck with that one. It was form of an second "yes" in my intellect.
Q: After all the criticism surrounding your version of the Beatles' "Ashcan School Days a Hebdomad," ar you proud of the performance?
A: Well you know, I variety of deliver mixed feelings on it. A lot of mass actually liked it. A bunch of people on the stage and in the band loved the version. I thought it was variety of cool down and deserved a little bit more congratulations, because I did make it my own. I made sure as shooting to add my have strait to it and stuff and do my have stuff with my voice in the song, just I know the book of Judges take a lot of influence on the viewers. So it would have been different if [Herbert A. Simon] would have said, "That was amazing. I love how you changed it up." It would have been a wholly different floor, and America would have agreed, you cognise what I entail? Because even me organism a viewer now, it's kind of like, I used to listen to what they would say about Carrie Underbrush and material, and it does involve the agency you think about it. So I try to suffer a little morsel more of an open mind, and now I am not listening. I've been on the show up and I'm like, "I recognize who's good."
Q: Later on already being in the business prior to the show up, did you always regret putting yourself through and through the judges' unfavorable judgment?
A: Actually, it was a great eruditeness feel. And my career was a long time ago, when I was 17, so it was by all odds a long time ago, and I needed this press to get my life history started expiration once again. Because no one knew wHO I was ahead "American Matinee idol," so it was the biggest advertize I could have always done to produce my life history started. Totally the criticism and everything, it made me a stronger person. To be able to sing in front of that many people and to sing in front man of judges world Health Organization ar criticizing you, I think anybody world Health Organization tin can sing in front of that and stay a contestant will be able to sing in front end of anybody. It's a somewhat amazing intuitive feeling.
Q: Do you think the fact that a wad of the contestants have previous master feel this year shows how tough the medicine diligence is?
A: Yea. You know, I never got to button an record album. I got about of the music done for my album, but I ne'er got to firing it. ... Just I did have the contract, and Carly's had medicine and Jacques Louis David Prepare, and Brooke, and they completely have CDs. Everybody has or so form of music background knowledge, so it's kind of like we weren't discovered ahead this unit thing, and this is form of like a second chance. And I believe everybody deserves a arcsecond opportunity. It was a great opportunity for completely of us.
Q: What was it like to mold with Mariah Carey and Dolly Parton?
A: I in spades learned a bunch. They ar the sweetest people. I mean, they're huge stars, and for them to remain dessert and lovingness and supportive of everything we were doing — that's I how I want to be if I become a famous isaac Bashevis Singer. I want to be able to dribble that and still be the genuine and humble miss. I don't want to hail across as organism a diva or something like that. [Laughs.] Just they both were just so nice. And they gave you advice, and they both had wonderful things to say to me, and I took that to spirit and I will never bury it. That meant a draw to me to hear that from them.
Q: World Health Organization do you think testament end up in the finals?
A: It's anybody's performing field. You know, with Michael Johns last workweek, it hardly goes to read you that people you think will be prophylactic ass go at any time. I really don't know. Altogether of them suffer their have unique talent and piles of talent, and I don't recognize which one it volition be, just I know they will all hold great careers.
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Alexandra Slate